Get to know the body you live in.

Class Membership that gets you moving with ease and confidence.


Fun and practical classes introducing you to the foundations of Restorative Movement for better balance, ease and confidence.

  • Learn how to manage the urinary symptoms of perimenopause and menopause (GSM) and key considerations for pelvis, hips and daily life.

  • Get to know where you hold tension and where you need to restore alignment.

  • Become the expert of your own body and learn to ask more clearly for what you need when you need help.

  • Discover key landmarks which will help you adjust positions for improved form and function.

What’s Included

Regular In-Person Class

We meet weekly during term time in Oxford or Turley Farm Barn. One of the benefits of regular practice in person, is the learning with the group. What we practice will be tailored to the needs of the group members for deeper, more constructive learning.

Weekly Online Flow Class

As an in person class member, you will get 2 classes for the price of one! Access to the Align and Move online Monday 9am class is included when you sign up for an in person class. Regular practice made a easier.

Library Access 24/7

Class members have full access to the class recordings, 15 Minute Magic sequences and tutorials for practice anywhere. You can also download the free app, mark your favourites and dip into practice whenever and wherever you need.

More than Pilates

Bringing 20 years experience and professional certification in multiple disciplines, I teach practical skills for active daily living that help prevent pain, injury and immobility. Restoring confidence, ease and freedom, arming you with tools to meet your own needs where possible are my goals for all students.

Simple, Effective Tools for Self Care

Bringing 20 years of research, development and personal practice to all classes, you will learn skills that prevent problems recurring or happening in the first place. Body rolling, joint mobilising, passive and active stretching, nervous system regulation, breathwork and more.

Q and A with Hayley

The best moments in a class are when someone asks a question and we work out the answers together. I don’t know everything but I can help you learn more about your body, how you move and what tools will help you maintain ease, flexibility and mobility for life.

Class Membership In Person & Online

Choose Your Location. Book Your Place.

  • Turley Farm Barn, Delly En

    Turley Farm Barn, Delly End OX29 9XA

    Wednesdays 9.30am in the beautiful and tranquil Big Barn at Turley Farm.

    Membership includes:

    Weekly In Person class - choose your location

    Weekly Online Align & Move class Mondays 9am

    Members library and class recordings.

    £80 per month

    Try first class for free.

  • St Andrew's Church

    St Andrews Church, Linton Road Oxford OX2 6UG

    Tuesdays 11.15am upstairs in the Large Meeting Room, St Andrew’s Church Oxford.

    Membership includes:

    Weekly In Person class - choose your location

    Weekly Online Align & Move class Mondays 9am

    Members library and class recordings.

    £80 per month

    Try first class for free.

If you’re not keen on the gym or traditional approaches to fitness, this class is for you. It’s for anyone who is curious about their movement habits and wants to understand how to organise their anatomy better for dynamic daily living. It’s a practical exploration of the art of movement, which gives you essential skills for moving and living well.

About Hayley Brown

Bringing 20 years hands on experience as a remedial massage therapist, Comprehensive Pilates Studio and Matwork teaching, Somatic Experiencing, Restorative Exercise and scar tissue care, I am passionate about sharing the wonder and wisdom of the human body, simplifying functional movement and restorative practice for daily living, more confidence, fun and joy.

Drawing from personal experience of hysterectomy preparation, recovery and the impact of perimenopause, I want to demystify the pelvis and human anatomy and empower women with body knowledge and self care skills to move forward and not be held back by the plethora of symptoms associated with pelvic pain, scar tissue and surgery.

Knowledge is power and no two bodies require exactly the same thing.

Learning to recognise what your body needs and how to move and meet those needs with confidence is about learning a movement language and essential skills for navigating daily life.

Read more about Hayley here.


“I’ve had 4 nights with zero trips to the loo.”


“I have had chronic back pain getting on for 20 years. Since starting with you and the ball work, my back pain has drastically reduced.”


“I learned so much about a part of my body that I was only vaguely aware of, and rarely looked at. Knowledge is power.”


“Fantastic session. That was very apt for me. Very clear.”


“It was tough. Lots of ascending and descending and big distances, but we both managed fine! Thank you so much for all your preparation help which was invaluable.”

Modify Your Movements For Your Unique Needs

This class is an ongoing exploration of the following:

  • Pelvic floor, the pelvic bowl, the organs of the pelvis.

  • Movement, alignment and posture patterns that support healthy pelvic floor function.

  • Reflexive core and the belly.

  • Scar tissue and movement.

  • Alignment, posture and how to know you’re ‘doing it right’.

  • Joint health and mobilisation.

  • Tension, where you hold it, why it’s a problem and how to release it easily.

  • Learning to start where you are rather than where you think you should be.

Not all movements work for every body, that’s why all sessions include modifications for those who need to downgrade an exercise or add challenge. You will learn how to skilfully tailor movements to your needs.

Essential Skills for Tailored Self Care

Not all movements work for every body.

All sessions include modifications for those who need to downgrade an exercise or add challenge.

Learn how to skilfully tailor movements to your specific needs.

We will use a chair, the wall and small props to creatively work on your foot health and function, joint ranges of motion, flexibility, balance and mobility.

Membership Benefits

Align and Move in person class members have the added bonus of

  • Access to the Monday morning Align and Move flow class for regular practice

  • Year-round access to the Members Hub and Bodyspace Movement Library for additional resources and quick self care guides.

  • All online classes are recorded and stored in the member’s hub for you to access if you miss the live or repeat your favourites.

I teach all in person and online classes during term time, so when I’m on a break, members have a backup of classes and guides ready to go, so you can keep up your practice and get help when you need it.


  • Bring a mat. All other props will be provided and available for purchase if you want to continue with home practice.

  • I will be recording the classes and uploading to the class library for your future practice.

  • This is a series of classes which will build on learning each week. To get the most out of it, I encourage people to try and attend all sessions or watch the replay. Payments will not carry over to the new term due to the nature of the material.

  • If you are concerned about a particular movement limitation you have, please get in touch by email to arrange a quick chat. This is a very safe approach to movement which includes modification skills to tailor the moves to your needs, so in most cases this series is appropriate for everyone.

  • This class will require the ability to get down to the floor and transition positions from lying on your side, on your back, on your front and kneeling. If you are unsure, please email me to discuss what options are right for you.

  • This class is appropriate for beginners and those with experience of yoga, pilates, any kind of movement practice. All teachers are different, and I bring a blend of my skills and experience to the class from the perspective of what I have learned.

  • The Large Meeting Room at St Andrew’s Church in Oxford is located upstairs at the venue. There is a lift service if required.

    The Big Barn at Turley Farm is on ground level with parking available on site.

Got a question?

It can be confusing to know where to begin. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about classes, courses or would like to arrange a time to chat.